Sunday services are at 10:30.
All are welcome.
What you can expect on Sunday morning
- Our worship style is mixed ... traditional hymns of the faith and more contemporary praise and worship
- We have Bible based sermons that challenge and encourage all attenders. Do NOT feel you have to be a Christian to come. Many have come who are on a journey to understand what God is all about.
- We often have sermon series that tackle current topics or go through books of the Bible.
- We work very hard to be family friendly. Children are always welcome!
- Some come more dressed up. Some are very casual in clothing. We are far more interested in you being with us than what you wear.
What people are saying
I have met so many amazing people through RCBC! I never would have set foot in there if it weren't for Katy introducing me to messy church and continuing my journey through the Sunday services.

Vicky Nicholson
Meet the team
One of our mission helpers!
Out on a trek with my son Chad.
Eric & Lisa
Heading to Jamacia on a mission
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Our Church members give much. Thank you so much!
Having some fun!
Some of our great cooks
Messy Church mums are so helpful!
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